Wednesday, June 17, 2009


As we all know what this is, this is a picture of a typewriter. Before the computers and cell phones, this machine was used for a long time. Although some people might say that y do we need a typewriter? But typewriter is still being used in some small countries. And type writer is inexpensive and easy to use. Typewriters were the first writing tool after the ink pen and a tree leaf. In today’s world people just go online and send an email and communicate via computer. But, back then they had to type a paper in this equipment. Although it took so much time and energy, it was reliable. Nowadays, if we don’t have electricity we can’t use most of the communication devices. But this typewriter does not need any electricity or any type of natural resource to run it. All it needs is an Ink, and it is ready to use.
Here is the wikipedia web site where it shows most the typewriters from the past to present.

1 comment:

  1. The typewriter could be one of the most important inventions of the last two centuries. The typewriter is essentially the first word processor and a precursor to the computer itself. Typewriters even used the same keyboard layout we have today known as QWERTY. Without typewriters some of the greatest books of the world may not have been written and some of the last century's authors may have not been able to write them.
