Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Pony Express

The pony express was one of the best ways to communicate with one another by a letter. Although you had to travel in long distance but, it’s not just you traveling but a horse too. By traveling on the horse, you spend less time and energy. Horse riding in today’s world is just a sport, but we do not ride them for longer period of time. But in 1860s, they use to send mail from a country to country. It took them days and days, and in any whether conditions to reach their destination. They took the mail from the shipping point and often they handed to another horseback rider and that rider would deliver to the destination. Although pony express didn’t last for awhile, we still admire the courage of the riders of that time.


  1. Wireless Wizards
    I found your blog to be very insightful. It is funny how when people think of the phrase “Wireless Technology” they usually assume that it is referring to advancements such as the wireless internet connection. I never realized that communication was wireless from the beginning.
    The pony express, smoke signal, drum signals, pigeon messengers, and writings on the walls of caves were all forms of wireless communication. I enjoyed revisiting these methods, and found it creative. I enjoyed viewing your blog and can’t wait to see what the present holds.

  2. I also agree with Valerie. I too had made the assumption that "wireless" had only been in regards to internet and cell phone connections. This is a very creative perspective. My team blog's theme is very closely related to yours and I find that it will be exciting to compare and contrast our ideas. Good work Wireless Wizards!

  3. The guts someone needed to be a rider is beyind my own. Your blog offeres alot to think about in regards to how they got it done.

    Wireless back then was just that, and looking back it seems odd, but to them it was what it was wirless.
