Friday, June 19, 2009


Since the beginning of time, people have had the need to communicate with oneand other. The most common type of communication is speech, but you could not talk tosomeone who lived 20 miles away. Then written language was developed, people markedsymbols on paper, stone, or whatever was available. Then hundreds of years passed, andpeople who wanted to share their ideas with people had to do allot of writing, untilsomeone thought to make a writing machine. This machine is called the printing press.

1 comment:

  1. How remarkable the amount of time between written words to the printing press. And how short of time the impact the press had on society. I found this quote about how it changed society and considered it an art.: “He who first shortened the labor of copyists by device of movable types was disbanding hired armies, and cashiering most kings and senates, and creating a whole new democratic world: he had invented the art of printing.”(Thomas Carlyle, Sartor Resartus, 1833) The press cut cost for libraries and allowed then tto supply more information to the public. “Printing also facilitated the dissemination and preservation of knowledge in standardized form -- this was most important in the advance of science, technology and scholarship. I think the printing press can be compared to the "information revolution" that’s true with todays technology and the Internet. Printing could and did spread new ideas quickly and with great impact on society and was a major contribution to the accelaration of ideas and the Renaissance.
