Friday, June 19, 2009

Early Paintings, Language and End of Prehistoric Era

Drawing and painting were ancient to way to communicate to people in those days. Early in those days people use to cave on the wall, rocks, and ceiling. Pictures were drawn on the on ground by arranging buy stone, gravel, or stone fragments. The cave man used to paint with the sharpened tool by which the sketch would last forever. The alphabet replaces the painting on the wall around 1700 and 1500 BC in the Sinatic world. The writing equipment which was being used for years got replaced by quill pen. When people used both the ink and the paper, and also developed a method of art which they used in their everyday means to communicate. After the writing instruments were quit developed and man found fountain pen as a great source to write and communicate to people.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. It's interesting to read another's persons opinions and views on a topic you have written. I've always found the more primitive something is, and I use that word lightly, the more fascinating and the more people study it and focus on it. No longer is Pictographs just the art of communication with each other, but now it's thought of as a way that the "cavemen", if you will, were able to prolong their historic knowledge. Society even believes Pictographs and Petroglyphs were used to communicate with the gods and the spirits around them. Or even to ward off the spirits that wanted to cause harm.
    I watched a few documentaries on this particular subject and it was amazing to see a person's life story forever etched into the walls of history. Though it seemed a child might have done the work it just amazed me to see that this was someone's history. This was a timeline of someone's life. Obviously, through science and technology we’ve moved away from having to create work with a rock and chisel on stone, but these engravings will never, or certainly take a long time, to disappear, unlike paper which can be destroyed rather easily.

  3. If you think about people still use pictures to communicate today. Although it is very fascinating to see that people many many moons ago used them. Today we teach children with pictures that relate to the words we want. When some children are having problems they tend to draw out the scene versus talking about it which is a form of communication. Very interesting peice
