Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Smoke Signal

Smoke signal was also on of the ways of communication back in the day. it was usually used by the ancient chinese who stay near The Great Wall and alert each other of enemy attacks by signalling each other from tower to tower. They were also used by North Americans. This was another way of communication without the requirement of technology. Although, Smoke signals are still used in Rome to indicate the new Pope.


  1. As a member of another group focused on communication, I valued reading your perspective. I, myself, actually posted a blog on smoke signals. It is amazing to think that this is what they once relied on to relay a message. I cannot imagine what life would be like being only able to send short, nondescript messages to those around me. There was no emotion or detail. It was a form of communication used simply to survive. We must admit though, it is certainly creative. I believe that examining these different past forms of communication is a reality check for each of us consumed by daily life today. Most of us can’t seem to survive without cell phones or computers. These advancements have added to the chaotic and hectic lifestyles most of us live today. We should all take a step back and think about this!

  2. If something changed is definitely communications. Many different and strange ways of communication were used in the past. In my opinion they were much interesting and unusually than our boring mostly virtual communication this days. People without having all this technology to which we are exposed today found interesting ways to communicate. The idea of smoke messages was the option for the Chinese back then. It might be no the most reliable way to communicate but this is the option they had. What if someone else would fire without a reason? It probably would transfer a false message and make a mess. People were simple back then and in my opinion being simple communication is much better than the complex one today`s society offers.

  3. When they use smoke signal back then to communicate is really interesting to me. Reason being for your to get a message to each other you actually had to do some work to go through to each other. Not just push a button and its done for you. I think it would be cool to do it that why because you take your time doing and you can relax while doing it. Now a day people are answer text message while driven. There no real relax time you are always multi tasking these days. Which is your choice to do but if you didn't have the technology you wouldn't be able to.
